The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69413   Message #1177090
Posted By: dianavan
03-May-04 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militarism & the US culture of violence
Subject: RE: BS: Militarism & the US culture of violence
It is a culture of greed, sex and violence. Perhaps its not only the U.S. but most of the world. The U.S., however, has outstripped all others when it comes to brainwashing its citizens and preparing their children to become violent warriors.

It started with television and now we have videos, computer games and the internet which de-sensitize children to violence and aggression. In fact, violence and aggression are rewarded. It is the perfect plan for creating a society which applauds armed aggression. It would take a very strong individual to resist the allure of material gain.