The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69413   Message #1177162
Posted By: Big Mick
03-May-04 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militarism & the US culture of violence
Subject: RE: BS: Militarism & the US culture of violence
Wondered where you would show up next to set up a premise that only you can win.

By the way, you indicate you don't like folks that disagree to hijack the thread. You would like to have this thread be what you want it to be? Is that sort of like the Memorial Day/Veterans Day threads where we only asked that you allow those of us who wanted to say thanks and pay tribute to those that died, to let us? Let's see .... Oh ..... that's right ... you told us to bugger off and that you wouldn't let us do that because it didn't fit with your agenda. Right? And I pointed out that we could start a thread to debate the points that you wanted to make, but could we just respect his one. But your response was to basically tell us to fuck off because you were not going to allow it. You are a hypocrite.

The US culture is not violent, but it surely has its violent aspects. Have you noticed that much of the violence in video games, as an example, is created in other countries? Have you bothered to study the history of the world to see that violent culture is not an American invention? Or is the object just to paint the US in a certain light. We could talk about Ireland, England, Germany, Cambodia, China, Japan, Russia, et al, and find all the militaric and violent culture we want.

If you really were interested in the subject, as opposed to trying to set up a premise that suits you, you would be discussing the historic precedents for what seems to be happening in the US, and what it seems to portend for us. I would enjoy that conversation as it would seem to be germane to the times.
