The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69330   Message #1177183
Posted By: Don Firth
03-May-04 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Ballet Dancing Rubbish?
Subject: RE: BS: Is Ballet Dancing Rubbish?
I'm not exactly unacquainted with music. Three years University of Washington School of Music, two years at the Cornish School of the Arts, over fifty years singing folk songs and ballads and playing both folk and classic guitar, taught folk and classic guitar for several decades, worked as an announcer at a two different classical music radio stations over a period of years.

You don't like ballet? You don't like opera? Okay. Nobody is making you llsten to anything you don't want to. But to call ballet and/or opera rubbish says more about you than it does about ballet and opera.   

Don Firth