The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69324   Message #1177385
Posted By: GUEST,Augie
03-May-04 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another reincarnation story.
Subject: RE: BS: Another reincarnation story.
If you had asked me 20 or so years ago,I would have told you that reincarnation was a crock. My beliefs have evolved considerably since then, not in the least because of my last child who, when being teased at age 2 by her 9&10 year old siblings about being the youngest,responded that they both knew very well that she was older but,as they all sat in what she termed "the baby bin", waiting to (her words) "come back down here",they both had agreed to return first so she could continue "gettting ready".When I asked why she needed more time she said because "it was so difficult when I was here the last time".At the time I thought the oddest thing about this was that a two yr. old would use the word "difficult".Sometimes I still wonder if she isn't older than I am as well.