The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69432   Message #1177672
Posted By: Ironmule
04-May-04 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: 50 Caliber Sniper Guns.....
Subject: RE: BS: 50 Caliber Sniper Guns.....
If you're worried about terrorists bringing down planes, worry about the left over "Stingers" they've been using on helicopters and C-130's in Iraq getting imported over here. Much more effective and easier to use than a $3000 to $5000 rifle, that has an ear drum rupturing bang when you use it. Terrorism is all about grabbing headlines by "making a statement"

Gang Bangers want a concealable cheap piece, like a .380, because they may have to throw it away when a Cop comes near.

You are a lot more likely to be killed by some beered up, damn fool kid with a turbocharged Accord than win the lottery, and I don't believe anyone outside a theater of war has been killed by the Browning .50 cartridge. Zero, none, no one.

I prefer to be scared of things that might happen, like beered up drivers, or gang bangers looking for dope money, than phantom scenarios dreamed up for propaganda purposes.

Jeff Smith

PS, I've got a .62, but it's a flintlock replica of the sort of shotgun popular in Pennsylvania around 1750 or so, and despite practice, I can't hit the broad side of a barn in three tries beyond 75 yards. Until I can do that regularly, I'm not going to try for a duck, let alone a 747. 747's taste lousy also, probably the hydraulic fluid.