The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69357   Message #1178016
Posted By: Bobert
04-May-04 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nice Things to Say about Bush...
Subject: RE: BS: Nice Things to Say about Bush...
Laary K,

First of all what ever you're smokin', I'd like some... Whew...

You certainly get a gold star fir twisting around disaster into high times....

Under yer guy:

*** the overall number of number (as well as per capita) number of olks who live in poverty has increased over 10%.

*** the number of children who used to get one square meal a day from governemtn programs has been cut by close to 5,000,000.

*** inflation numbers have been so manipulated that real people, who apparently you are not, just rasie their eyebrows when they hear this claim since health insurance has increased 20% under yer guy, perscription drugs have incresed 20% under your guy, local taxes have increased 15% under your guy, etc. So lets get real, pal.

*** states are strapped for cash as a result of the big tax giveaway to the rich under yer guy... Do you have any any idea how many states were effected negatively by yer guy's tax cuts? Like 100% Even yer guy in Califoenia has had to float a $15B bond referendum to cover costs of running California after his guys glutted the budget. Whom pays for that, pal?

Now if you want to turn this thread into a Bush bashing thread, fine. I started it and its fine with me. Even tho I might not have anything real warm and fuzzy to say about yer guy I thought some other folks might but lets keep things in perspective as to yer guys actual accomplishments...

But, hey, nice tie....
