The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69432   Message #1178930
Posted By: Bobert
05-May-04 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: 50 Caliber Sniper Guns.....
Subject: RE: BS: 50 Caliber Sniper Guns.....
Ummmm, beardedbruce, I would agree that we gotta bunch of stupid gun control laws!!! What we need are some smart ones... Like shutting down most handgun manufacturers and making is a felony to own one without it having a balistic file and a registration of it's
owner. And titles, like cars, so that handguns can be traced. Yreah it might take a while to get handguns away from the thugs but it can happen. It sure can't happen with the current thinking but Einstein points out that a problem cannot be solved with the same thinking that created it...

Ahhhhh, as fir the Second Ammnedment? Just a couple of observations. Handguns were used purdy much in dueling back in them days and I very much believe that had the Founding Fathers had been able to see kids carring these state of the arm human-killers around, they would have certainly added some language. Secondly, the ammendment ia very ambigiuos in that the *subject* of the sentence is a "well regulated militia. Not carte blanche gun ownership. There is an inference that the right to bear arms is tied to the subject of this one sentence ammendment" a well regulated militia. Now, when we take the interpretation just one step further, the "regulated" part of this one sentance ammendment is, OMHO, been overlooked by the gun rights folks. Heck, regulated means regulated, doesn't it? But we dfon't hear those who just want business as usual talking about either of the points... They just drum on and on about the part of the ammendment that fits their particular views. I'm looking at the ammendment in its entirity, from the subject to the predicate to the period at the end of it...

Hey, I ain't anti-gun. I got a few. I am anti-handgun. They are responsible for the vast amjority of murders in this country and the NRA, for which I am a former member, couldn't care less...
