The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69377   Message #1178997
Posted By: robomatic
05-May-04 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Compost Question
Subject: Incineratin' toilet
Aye, 'i remember that pryekt whar I worked on an inspiction of a warehouse in ye great white north. Thar wuz a gennlemin what got to fix the incineratin' toilets when they was overused and overtired. Yon toilets came in a tu-holer with a big tank o' propane in-bitwin. Reckun we wuz fast wi' gittin' up and gittin' up our skivvies when we flushed!

The smell was unairthly, ungodly, and ivir to be remembered wi stories of ghoosts 'n ghoulies and I pray tare be no shitter beyond the grave!