The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69520   Message #1179394
Posted By: izzy
06-May-04 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Web-based magazine and how to promote it
Subject: My web-based magazine and how to promote it

Some of you may remember that a few months ago I was grappling with building my own website. It has been successfully constructed and is dedicated to a biannual survey of English culture from a liberal point of view with a large helping of folkie stuff in each issue (the first issue has already been published on the Web.) My problem, however, is getting readers and contributors (it is a not-for-profit enterprise, so I can't afford to pay anyone.) As of now there are two regular writers, and I can't tell how many regular readers. Furthermore, it still has not turned up in the search engines as the sitebuilding programme I'm using (please, no lectures again!) won't allow the use of html tags. Has anyone else ever tried to get a web-based magazine for a rather specialised audience started before, and how does one promote a site like this over the internet without spending out a lot of money?

The website can be accessed HERE , by the way. The articles open in separate windows.

Thanks and forgive me for boring everyone with this again,
