The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69483   Message #1179472
Posted By: GUEST,stumd3
06-May-04 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: Review: Listening to anything great?
Subject: RE: Review: Listening to anything great?
Nice posts so far! Another couple additions:

Joni Mitchell "Hiejra" - Wow! What a great album. Amazing lyrics (as usual) and stellar guitar work by Larry Carlton I believe.

Van Morrison "Common One" - I can't believe I overlooked this one. After years of hearing how bad this record is, my dad recently bought it. Amazing, albeit over the heads (perhaps) of a lot of more casual listeners. Lots of "meditative Van."

Skip James Biograph reissue - Doesn'e get any better than this guy. haunting, soulful readings of some of his songs. These Biograph reissues are pretty good. Too young to remember the originals, but and loving the other 2 I have - Son House & McTell.