The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69558   Message #1180489
Posted By: Don Firth
07-May-04 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Artsy or Fartsy?
Subject: RE: BS: Artsy or Fartsy?
Just a couple of random thoughts:

Red Green (one of my role models) sez, "If I can do it, it ain't art! And if you keep doin' what I can do and calling it 'art,' then I'm gonna start doin' what you're doin'!!"

I had a friend many years back whom I consider an artist. Many people did. Marvelous technique, and he could (and did) do the whole spectrum, from realism (almost photographic) to as abstract as you could want. His hand, holding brush, pencil, or pen, did what his mind, his emotions, and his insight dictated. When first meeting him, people would ask the usual, "What do you do?" He would answer, "I'm a painter." Once it was established that he painted pictures, not houses, they would usually say, "Oh, you're an artist, then?" To which he would respond, "Well, I paint. Whether or not I am an artist is for others to determine."

His name was Ric Higlin. I've always admired Ric for a number of reasons.

Don Firth