The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69562   Message #1180913
Posted By: Barry Finn
08-May-04 - 02:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Another set of pictures
Subject: RE: BS: Another set of pictures
This did not happen because a woman (who has no place in the military, rings of, should be kept bare foot & pregnant) was at the helm or who's duty was to safe guard prisoners. This happen because it was allowed to happen. The poor soldier who first reported about the recent events concerning torture is the one who's quickly becoming an outcast (while the others are being sacrificed for those higher up the chain of command) when he should've been held up, not as a hero but as a model of how others should react being placed in the same situation. This in itself is a problem. This has been an ongoing problem in the military & society. My best friend while in Viet Nam was in a chopper with 2 prisoners who were being questioned. When the first refused to give any info he was thrown out in mid flight, they did get info from the 2nd prisoner (Peter was not a part of this, maybe if he'd come forward about it he'd would've of been able to live with himself. Another time he pulled his side arm on 3 soldiers & threaten to kill them if they tried to rape a local woman, this is not as uncommon as some would have you believe. The strain & stress of war does a lot of weird things to a lot of different people. While my brother was in Viet Nam as a seal (on a sub) it was the sub's duty to drop him off & after his mission was complete retrieve him. These missions in Laos & Cambodia (but we weren't there?) were overseen by the Citizens in Action (a nick name for the CIA who wore civilian clothes while onboard). He still can't even stand to say more than, what he was directed to do was to ghastly. He was able to live with himself but he was/is one of the walking dead. If those that sent others to war lived what the common foot soldier (& their families) lives with they'd be a bit less cavalier about tossing away a life as if it were just a mere whim. When you have of no status inprisons run by the CIA or civilian contractors or untrained children who answer to only God & that's only in the after life there's bound to be a fowl stench coming from the cesspool that they all live in. TV & rap don't cause these conditions, if anything some rappers (I know but not all) try to bring to the light of day the torturous conditions they have to survive in. By the age of, I'd say 10, a large portion of the poor inner city kids are already suffering from post traumatic stress, from a daily dose of death, isn't this a form of torture? When kids are allowed to bully others in school the educational intuitions become nothing better than a Gladiator School. I'm not in the least bit surprised at the ongoing events given the high & almighty "God's on our Side" attitude. Almost a bit like a new version of the Crusades with maybe a touch of the Spanish Inquisition tossed in for good measure. When you have a society that attempts to bury the UN a peace seeking organization & push in it's place NATO, a militarily organization there's something strange a field. When you have a society that's pisses on the Geneva Convention & steals the Civil Rights of it's people, I'd begin to think it's a movement of some kind. When you have a government that's states "you're either with us or against us" & those that'll disagree or even question are deemed traitors, when the press is afraid to ask the questions that matter & report the full truth, then I think we're the verge of living in a lawless society. The buck doesn't stop here, it just doesn't stop. When the country's run by corruption & corporations, who in their right mind wouldn't think that they have Carte Blanch to do as they please. Thank goodness there's a difference between WWII & now. If it were today, after freeing those in the concertation camps we'd probably end up taking their lives in the process.