The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69562   Message #1181173
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
08-May-04 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another set of pictures
Subject: RE: BS: Another set of pictures
Rumsfeld has his back against the wall:

I think you'll find that this ties in with abuses of war that are found anywhere, anytime, but that haven't been so openly or perhaps the better term is "widely" acknowledged until recent times. We can look to dramas about the World Wars and see hints at some of this, to do with the military and to do with prisoners of war (anyone else watch the British series Tenko and it's sequel?). But there is also an obscene pornographic element, I didn't use that word carelessly or in a general sense in my earlier post.

Blaming television is an easy but not very productive answer. We are all hamsters running in circles in our cages, and as long as we have food to eat, cars to drive, places to go to be entertained, and think we have "enough" (which by living standards around the rest of the world is "way too much!") and we remain totally disconnected, in the dark, about how those resources come to us all of the rest of this is going to get past us also.

There is a remarkable book that examines the role of multinational corporations in world governments and economics by Dr. Aaran E. Gare called Postmodernism and the Environmental Crisis. You can find his vita and some of his writings online here. The Postmodernism book is available in print or as an e-book.

I challenge anyone to read Gare's book then come back with a simple answer. You won't be able to, but at least your eyes will at last be open.