The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69594   Message #1181365
Posted By: Helen
08-May-04 - 06:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: composting pet waste?
Subject: RE: BS: composting pet waste?
We are obviously on the same wavelength, Allison, because I have been thinking about this problem this week. (Maybe we need to fine-tune the wavelength a bit so that we can relay telepathic messages about something a little more genteel than cat-poop? ;->   )

My hubby found a cat litter composting product on the 'Net a couple of weeks ago although he did say it was expensive. He's not here right now but I'll ask him when he gets back home.

I did a search on Google for

cat litter compost

and there are some interesting forums and discussions on it, but so far (still looking at the results) I haven't found any mention of a composting system except making sure that the compost maintains a high temperature by turning it and aerating it regularly, but you would have to guarantee that the temperature was high in the spot where the cat poop was in the pile. Another suggestion is to use the compost only on trees and shrubs and not on vegetables and fruits, and also use it away from any water supply (a well, a stream, etc) to prevent contamination from any nasty bacteria & parasites.

Hubby & I have discussed having a separate cat-poop compost but haven't gotten around to setting it up yet. At the moment we have 4 kittens and two adults females so the kitty litter has been working overtime, but we are delivering two of the kittens today to their new home (if I don't completely break down - how can anyone survive giving away their babies? It's hard enough giving away kittens!).

Another little piece of trivia: in one of the forum discussions someone said that by putting the used kitty-litter where she knew there had been mice it sent the mice packing because they could smell the cats nearby. Could be a money-making prospect here: selling used kitty litter as vermin-repellants. You'd have to have a signed contract to replace old stuff with newer, riper stuff every couple of weeks. :-)
