The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69485   Message #1181504
Posted By: Two_bears
08-May-04 - 10:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: It is TORTURE not 'abuse'!!!
Subject: RE: BS: It is TORTURE not 'abuse'!!!
torturing. It's in the Torturers' Union contract with the government that the soldiers aren't allowed to do any of the torturing, only abusing. It's right after the clause that says that they can't be tried in a U.S. military court because they're civilians, but they can't be tried in U.S. civilian courts because they're in Iraq, and they can't be tried in Iraqui courts because they're Americans.   

You are correct that private contractors do the interogating.

What people saw was idiotic attempts to prevent the people from sleeping.

It was idiotic to dehumanize the prisoners the way they did.

It was stupidity to take pictures and videotapes.

In another portion of the message you talked about the geneva convention. Your lack of knowledge in this matter astounds me.

1. During the Vietnam War; the VC NEVER treated American soldiers according to the geneva convention because the Viet Kong was not a signatory of the Geneva convention.

2. We can not categorize the detainees (prisoners in Iraq and in Cuba) as prisoners of war. The reason for this is that they are NOT members of the Iraqi army (they wore no uniform, and had no identification as a soldier of the Iraqi army. Since they wore NO military uniform, and had NO military identification (ID or even dog tags); so they ONLY way the foreign fighters, and Iraqi civilians CAN be classified are as enemy combatants, and such people are not entitled (by law) the benefits of Prisoner of war status.

Two Bears