The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69629   Message #1182222
Posted By: voyager
10-May-04 - 10:42 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Bach's Melodies in Popular Music
Subject: Origins: Bach's Melodies in Popular Music
Listening to a lecture on BACH and the St. Matthew's Passion (SMP) last night I was shocked, amazed and delighted to find the PAUL SIMON
tune from "An American Dream" lifted note-by-note from the Overture
to this work.

Although MUDCAT credits a Bach Melody to this PAUL SIMON tune, it was
actually a 15th-century popular song by HANS LEO HASSLER that was inserted by Bach into the SMP.

Question -
Are there other known Bach melodies throughout the popular/folk
song genre? I seem to remember Chad and Jeremy's "Summer Song" as
one example.
