The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69119   Message #1182259
Posted By: MoorleyMan
10-May-04 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: Holmfirth Festival
Subject: RE: Holmfirth Festival
echoing some of the comments in the posts above -
but highlights for me an' th' lass were danu and the peatbog faeries on sun eve, and brass monkey on fri eve. and the jews harp workshop on sun afternoon.
but best of all was duncan mcfarlane band's ace gig on sat afternoon, shame it meant missing ken's singaround (tho' he did a grand job by all accounts). so did joe and moe on sat eve in spite of the smoke. and whatever the problems with the venue on fri so did ray p with his slot. pity we had to miss mary & anahata (that clash agen!).
but hey, why no singing anywhere on sun after 5.30 for us that couldnt be around in the afternoon - we did the rounds of all the likely pubs but couldnt find anything.
and by the by, the elephant may have had the welcome board outside for show but each time we went in there was nowt folky goin' on inside and no hint of a welcome for folks wi' gitars.
wot holmfirth needs is more non-smoking venues, at least for the singarounds please please........
seeya next yr