The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69485   Message #1182547
Posted By: Gareth
10-May-04 - 04:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: It is TORTURE not 'abuse'!!!
Subject: RE: BS: It is TORTURE not 'abuse'!!!
Quite a tirade from Jim - One point I think I should make that "(although I did have one quite sinister PM from him, after I made that post)" and as I made it I think it is in order to quote directly "No chum, over yer head !" No what is sinister about that ?? Perhaps you could tell us all. If you took that as a threat then I appologise. I don't make threats.

I question your statement "Your facts are often wrong; you misquote people, and it is tedium to have to go back and keep on correcting you." Please elucidate !

My facts tend to be accurate - Even if unpopular in some quarters. What you are overlooking is that I tend to raise matters which some consensuses would prefer I do not.

I appreciate that you state that "I BELIEVE IN JUSTICE FOR ALL!" Perhaps you could grant that to other people.

BTW - My views on Iraq are simple. I believe that on balence the decicion to intervene was correct. I am concerned that there appears to be a lack of a coherent exit statedgy - No plan B !

I am very concerned that there appears to be a brakdown of disipline amoungst elements, and I will put it no greater or lesser than that, in the Armed Forces giving rise to acusations of torture.

I do not take the view, expressed in some quarters, of a Knee Jerk reaction that everything The US of A / Uk does is automatically bad.

Perhaps you should put that in your notebook.
