The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69594   Message #1182550
Posted By: emily rain
10-May-04 - 04:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: composting pet waste?
Subject: RE: BS: composting pet waste?
go to the humanure link!!!

surf around until you find the full text of the book, and then just start reading. of particular interest are the many references to "fecophobia", jenkins' own word for fear of poop. yes, there are diseases that can be transmitted through improper handling of human, dog, cat, bird, and other poop. no, that doesn't mean we need to bury it in a trench on another planet. it just means we have to think about it a little and take some care in what we do with our own excretions.

sorry if i sound like an evangelist... i am, kind of. :)

i'm having a little problem with my system i set up in my house a few days ago. it smells slightly, and not so nice. the funny thing is, the smell isn't coming from what you think; it's coming from the peat moss that i'm using as a cover material. who ever heard of stinky peat moss? i'm going to start mixing in some pine needles and see if that doesn't help.