The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69629   Message #1182745
Posted By: Mark Cohen
11-May-04 - 12:06 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Bach's Melodies in Popular Music
Subject: RE: Origins: Bach's Melodies in Popular Music
I have a vague memory of hearing a piece based on one of the Brandenburg Concertos, I believe it was No. 5, on an "underground" radio station in Philadelphia (WMMR, WDAS, or WRTI) around 1969. There were words, too, something like "The moon is gone..."   Anybody got any more info, or is it just a delayed hallucination?

On a more romantic note, when I was in college I loved listening to a group called "Renaissance." Once I heard someone playing something on the piano that I'd heard on their first album. When I made a comment about the group, he gave me an odd look. "This is a Beethoven sonata," he said. Apparently they had stuck an extended passage from Beethoven into the middle of a rock song. I can't remember which sonata it was, or the name of the cut on the Renaissance album, but I'm sure there's somebody out in Mudcatland who can.
