The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69485   Message #1182770
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-May-04 - 12:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: It is TORTURE not 'abuse'!!!
Subject: RE: BS: It is TORTURE not 'abuse'!!!
s6k is going to be so ticked that you grabbed that 100th post, Raptor. :-)

There are terrorist camps in the USA too, Two Bears, funded by your taxes...and their graduates are working all over the World every day to kill people, subvert democratically elected governments, and launch illegal invasions of small countries. Their graduates murdered people in Central America all through the 80's...thousands and thousands of people. Their graduates trained the Mujahedin Muslin fanatics in order to kill Russians and funded the Taliban until they didn't need the Taliban any longer. Their graduates worked hand in hand with Osama Bin Laden and were his good buddies. Their graduates assassinated Salvador Allende in Chile and more recently arranged a coup against Chavez in Venezuela. They armed Saddam to kill Iranians. They betrayed the Shiites after the Gulf War in '91, and left them to be slaughtered by Saddam. They tried on numerous occasions to assassinate Castro, but those attempts all failed. They managed death squads in El Salvador and fought the dirty war in Nicarauga and trained the Contras. They also trained people in the goon tactics that have more recently been used on Iraqi prisoners, and prisoners in Guantanamo.

They are terrorists, funded and trained by America. Some of the people they are fighting against are also terrorists. I do not approve of terrorists regardless of which side of the issue they happen to stand on. As an American, I think you should be more concerned about the fact that your government is FUNDING terrorism on an ongoing basis and has been doing so for decades.

Accordingly, the War on Terrorism is as big a phony joke as the War on Drugs. The Right Hand of America strikes out at terrorism while the Left Hand funds it. (I don't mean Right and Left in the usual political sense when I say that...) It's gross hypocrisy, and sheer pragmatism at its unholy worst.

Bush may believe he's fighting terrorism, but his government is also committing terrorism at the same time. I'm not really surprised that he can't see it. After all, Osama and his people think of themselves as freedom fighters, so why wouldn't Bush think the same way? It's a common delusion of terrorists to imagine themselves as freedom fighters....just depends whose freedom to do what, that's all.

- LH