The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69418   Message #1183313
Posted By: Peace
11-May-04 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: Welcome new member 'Shrek'
Subject: RE: Welcome new member 'Shrek'
Hello, Shrek. Welcome to the 'cat. Eric the Viking said, "When you get logged on properly,we can write about you in earnest!!" Not my business having just met you and all, but what are you doing in Earnest? Is this like Earnest in "Earnest Goes to Camp" and 'know what I mean' Earnest? Why, he's a legend in North America. He doesn't rival William Shatner for longevity, but then who does?

If it's not too personal, have you heard anything about Little Hawk's goat? Just wondering. Also, will you be closing your posts with really neat music like in your movie? I am your fan.

Bruce M