The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69485   Message #1184201
Posted By: Steve-o
12-May-04 - 06:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: It is TORTURE not 'abuse'!!!
Subject: RE: BS: It is TORTURE not 'abuse'!!!
All of this "debate" about "concepts" and semantics could only come from people who have never actually fought war on the ground and in the face of an enemy. There are no rules- there is no Geneva Convention- there is nothing that is "all right if it's done this way"- it is all pure BARBARISM. It is ALL torture, it is ALL abuse, it is INHUMANE in the fullest sense of the word. It turns people into animals, pure and simple, and only when you've experienced this can you understand just how ludicrous the pontificating in this "debate" really is. Wake up, people- stop whining about whether it's cruel, who's responsible for it, whether it's a conspiracy or a cover-up, whether you should feel disgusted and appalled, and who's the rightest and the wrongest. It is WAR that is wrong- EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. So go out and do something that gets us closer to eradicating war- not defining it, conceptualizing it, cleaning it up so it is done "right"- DO AWAY WITH IT!!