The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68183   Message #1184855
Posted By: Blackcatter
13-May-04 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why is gasoline so expensive?
Subject: RE: BS: Why is gasoline so expensive?
Communism as it has been practiced is simply Capitalism where only a handful of people (the leaders of the government) effectivly own all the businesses. Basicall, monopolies on an extreme scale. Fascism is basically the same thing, it just allows for private ownership, but only the largest owners are allowed to make huge amounts of profit.

A true Communist structure would work except for all the lazy people who want things that they insist are absolutely needed even though 75% of the world survives without them.

What the hell would you all do if the Mid East went into such turmoil that almost no oil was able to be exported and gas went to the equivalent to $50 a gallon? Would you all die? Things that are necesities in my life are not things that help me keep my way of life stable - they are things that KEEP ME ALIVE.

What in the hell gives you the right to consume some much of the world's resources?