The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69668   Message #1184881
Posted By: Nerd
13-May-04 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: A question for Wiccans and Pagans
Subject: RE: BS: A question for Wiccans and Pagans
Yes, the remarks concerning the celebration of Easter were first of all inaccurate and then misunderstood. The poster originally meant that the name "Easter" is only used in English-speaking countries. Actually, as Wolfgang points out, it is Germanic-speaking countries (and English is still at its base a Germanic language) that use the old Teutonic name.

It was apparently misunderstood by some who thought it meant other countries don't celebrate the Holiday. They do, but they call it something else: Paques in France, etc.

Finally, I'd like to point out that although Christmas IS based on a solar calendar, that does not make it any less Pagan. it was fixed at its current date during Roman times, because Christianity became the official religion of the empire at a time when Mithraism, a pagan religion, was the religion of the troops. In order to ease the conversion of the troops to Christianity, the Church decided to celebrate the birth of Christ when the troops were accustomed to celebrating the birth of Mithras, in December. Before that, no one had any idea when Christ was born, as the Bible gives no evidence of the date.

When Christmas arrived in Europe, many previously Pagan customs attached themselves to it (the decorating of trees, for example, which began in Germany and Austria and first came to the US with Pennsylvania Germans). So Christmas, too, is a typical Pagan festival with Christian trappings. So inconvenient for fundamentalists!