The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69668   Message #1185685
Posted By: Bill D
14-May-04 - 10:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: A question for Wiccans and Pagans
Subject: RE: BS: A question for Wiccans and Pagans
Interestingly, I heard a piece on National Public Radio yesterday that said that Wicca is becoming an "in" thing among teenage girls in come areas. They have major websites and exchange favorite 'spells' and herbal cures. etc...*smile*

It seems harmless enough to me...on the surface....but the thing that came through to me from listening to several interviews with the young practitioners is that they were explicitly doing it because it was more 'interesting'...One girl said that her parents were evangelical Christians, but that when she tried to practice Christianity, it was like "talking to air". She 'felt' that when she began talking to/praying to "the Goddess", etc., she felt connected to the Earth and life in general...etc...

It fascinates me that there was no claim for **TRUTH**, or documentation...they just spoke as if it (Wicca) was better metaphor for the feelings that young girls have...and more 'fun'. They got to do things-- dress up, prepare spells, trade secrets, cure problems and feel like they were really 'connected'.

I guess I see the attraction, but I am bemused at the mindset that allows them to 'plug in' whatever belief system most strikes their fancy. *wry smile*.....ah, well...perhaps that is a more honest way of doing it than the way many people adopt more traditional religions.

(trying to remember the websites names) I suppose a search would find them easily.