The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67948   Message #1185734
Posted By: beardedbruce
14-May-04 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: In every thread someone has to be last!
Subject: RE: BS: In every thread someone has to be last!

Good to hear that... But this post might put you sleep.

It seems that my attempts to kill this thread off with (bad) verse are not as successful as I would like- Thus, I must escalate.

Sonnet Redouble, to Katie Elizabeth

My Lady Muse, how can I reach your heart
And hold to source of dream? You are the cause
Of my desires, a vision that gives start
To words of my emotion. Shall I pause
From caring, when I hear only the wind?
Can dream replace the touch of lips, or line
Hold you as arms desire? Can heart rescind
All feelings, or chance of your love decline?
You are the center of my dreams, the core
That defines structure of desire: You lend
The form, to fill my fantasy, and more,
You offer focus, to emotions bend.
How can I find this hope, that dreams require,
To tell of my concerns, and my desire?

To tell of my concerns, and my desire,
Seems beyond power that mere words contain.
You are one who more than just dreams inspire:
Can my heart's hope more than soft smile obtain?
All vision fades, with distance: Can I see
Beyond my own desires? You are the light
To show image of what dreams hope to be;
The source of brightness that to hope is sight.
Will muse be all I seek, when I reach out
To touch your fire? Can lips not seek to kiss
Your palm, forehead, and neck, and try to scout
Where I might offer pleasure, and earn bliss?
Desire feeds dreams, and passion forms my art:
Can longing be enough to future start?

Can longing be enough to future start
When I have sought for muse too many years?
Having found you, how could I think to part
From vision that guards me from past's cold tears?
Can I hold back from love, when your smiles send
Desire to warm my heart? Shall I not care
If I might please you, or let words pretend
I do not suffer when you sadness share?
Can I be more than poet, to hold muse
Within both arms and thought? Shall verse remain
My goal, or should I deeper passions choose,
When night allows desire to hopes explain?
Though you give light to dream, and verse inspire,
Can dream be all to which I might aspire?

Can dream be all to which I might aspire
When vision fills each night, and day? I seek
For happiness: What god would heart require
As tithe to future that only seems bleak?
Can passion be contained, controlled, or bound
By reason and by sense? Can desire burn
Without some warmth, and will my hopes be found
To hold only to dreams mere friendships earn?
Can longing be ignored, and set aside?
Can I not breath, nor feel, nor let mind think?
Would I be able to from my heart hide
All that I hope, and dream, to darkness sink?
Though more than my desire and source of rhyme,
I have no claim upon your heart, or time.

I have no claim upon your heart, or time
To build more fantasy upon your smile.
You embody desire, but can hope mime
Reality, that dream might future style?
You remain goal, beyond heart's hope to reach
Yet too dear to be set aside, or locked
Inside, unsaid. Will dream be brought to teach
Pleasure, or will all hopes by fact be mocked?
All that I hope, I owe to thought of you.
Your smile illuminates my dreams, your eyes
Reach to my soul, and offer heart what few
Have sent: A dream, of love that fate defies.
I offer heart and mind, to pay dream's fee:
Though I may seek for soul, you remain free.

Though I may seek for soul, you remain free
To ask for what you will: I'll not deny
My muse all that I have, nor would I be
Unwilling to all of your desires try.
You guide my dreams, and steer my hopes in ways
That excite my desires: How can I mask
How much I want to hold you? Can dream raise
My hopes enough that I might desires ask?
I do not think you need my love, but know
I require what concern hope might yet send.
My dreams are fragile, formed in heart, and show
More of desires than Truth reasons defend.
Should I think that to seek for love is crime?
Can I ask for a smile, to my dreams prime?

Can I ask for a smile, to my dreams prime
With passion? Would my hopes give heart a chance,
Without some sign to show you care, to climb
From depths of dark despair to sweet romance?
I want far more than glance, but know I hold
No key, to chain you to my dreams. Yet, dream
Would wrap arms around you, to warmth enfold:
I cannot deny that in heart I scheme.
I desire chance to show how much I care,
Beyond desire: All dreams center on you.
Shall I offer my heart, or can I dare
To ask if I might your smile try to view?
I know I have no hope to from hope flee:
Can I hope that you'll listen to my plea?

Can I hope that you'll listen to my plea
To give reason for hopes, or make dreams real?
Will thought become true deed, or heart agree
It will in future only pleasures feel?
My hopes, and heart, cannot ignore your eyes,
Nor keep desires to what is within reach.
Yet, should I refuse dream that otherwise
Gives joy? Should I but bitter thoughts beseech?
All reason flees: I chase moonbeams, and seek
For vision seen only within my mind.
What can I say, that would fantasy speak,
That could alter the world, to desire find?
How can I hope deny, or passions fight:
You are my heart's desire, my muse of light.

You are my heart's desire, my muse of light,
Bringing a hope of heaven, and a touch
Of subtle passion to echoes of night.
How can my dreams of you remain as such?
I search your words, for image, and for hint
Of what might make you smile, or how to bend
Your dreams to thought of me. Eyes need no tint
To see what soul desires, to my heart mend.
I see what heart desires, but am I blind,
Looking at light too bright? I do not know
How I might filter out my dreams, or find
If hope is lust, or deeper passion's glow.
You remain muse, that heart can't set aside;
Sweet inspiration of my verse, and guide.

Sweet inspiration of my verse, and guide
To realms of dream, and of desire, you bring
Light to my darkness. Can my heart abide
Without some thought of your soft smile seeking?
Dear one, is future preordained, that all
My hopes are less than dust? I dare not hold
To such a faith: I would to heaven call
And ask for dispensation, to dreams mold.
Can vision torn from dream be true, or show
More than my fondest wish? Can my heart care
Less for itself than that you passions know?
How can I dream, when you all my dreams snare?
Without a chance to kiss, or hold you tight,
How can I know if my concern is right?

How can I know if my concern is right
When all I hold are dreams? Can heart discern
What you would have me do? Can words invite
Hope beyond dream, or give heart chance to learn?
How can I hope to offer more than wit,
When I share only words? Can care remain
Within, hidden from life, without a bit
Of dream escaping to my hopes explain?
How can I care so much for one, unseen,
Beyond all hope of passion? Can I hold
My heart from love, when all that hope can glean
From dream is that time does not make one old?
What hope have I to future dream decide,
To tell if words should hope display, or hide?

To tell if words should hope display, or hide
All feelings, heart must find a path to lead
Out of my dreams. Yet, would I turn aside
For fear heart might lose something that I need?
How can I deny dreams, or hope refuse,
When without thought of you my nights are cold?
My dreams bring joy, since I found you, my muse;
How can I let your effect be untold?
I wear heart on my sleeve: You are the maid
I hold as Lady Muse, but should I try
To be more than just friend? Hopes do not fade
With time, but can my heart to sense reply?
Heart seeks to show your colours, and dreams rule:
I do not know if I am knight, or fool.

I do not know if I am knight, or fool
To care for you, when I can't hope to reach
Beyond desire. I cannot think you cruel,
Though I might wish far more than rhyme to teach:
You are one I desire, but more, I care
That you are happy, and future enjoy.
What should I do? Can words hope to repair
Your dreams? How can I past demons destroy?
You know I seek to have you laugh, and smile,
Though I might want to hold you, and to kiss
Forehead, and palm, and lips. Might I dream, while
I remain distant? Is concern remiss?
I do not know if I should dream o'errule;
Whether to offer heart, or passions cool.

Whether to offer heart, or passions cool
Remains beyond decision. Dream is all
I have: I cannot desire for you school
Out of my dreams, nor out of longing fall.
Yet, dare I ask to fulfill dreams, or tell
How I might offer passion for your night?
I care too much to risk breaking this spell
You hold me in, that fills my dreams with light.
Reason requires that heart be held in check,
But desires control dreams, and hope. I long
To whisper in your ear, and nibble neck,
But do not know if action would be wrong.
I offer heart, and soul, and all of art:
My Lady Muse, how can I reach your heart?

My Lady Muse, how can I reach your heart
To tell of my concerns, and my desire?
Can longing be enough to future start,
Can dream be all to which I might aspire?
I have no claim upon your heart, or time;
Though I may seek for soul, you remain free.
Can I ask for a smile to my dreams prime?
Can I hope that you'll listen to my plea?
You are my heart's desire, my muse of light,
Sweet inspiration of my verse, and guide.
How can I know if my concern is right,
To tell if words should hope display, or hide?
I do not know if I am knight or fool;
Whether to offer heart, or passions cool.