The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68183   Message #1185738
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
14-May-04 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why is gasoline so expensive?
Subject: RE: BS: Why is gasoline so expensive?
That test is far too short and clearly makes too many assumptions. My footprint came out 12, yet I know that's far too high. What were the factors in the test that affected my score? The house size, for one. It's in a larger category, but I put in lots of insulation and two efficient heat pumps. I've cut the cost of heating and cooling to 1/3 of what the former owners paid to heat and cool this house (my average monthly bill is $100 for a 2400+ foot house). I grow many of my own veggies. I telecommute, so the distance that I drive to work is less important--I only do it a couple of times a week. I recycle paper, cardboard, paperboard, glass, plastic, aluminum and other metals, and paper. I have a large compost heap in the back for the table waste. While my neighbors put full trash cans out at the curb, typically my one little can has one plastic grocery sack filled with the trash that couldn't be recycled. (I tie the handles into a knot, so it isn't very big at all). I carry cloth bags to the grocery store; cold stuff comes home in the plastic bags. We do eat meat, so that no doubt raised the score.) I pick up some groceries in brown paper bags so I can use those bags for the newspaper that gets recycled (if it doesn't get used under the mulch in the flower beds).

My truck usually has several riders, since I have kids. We don't make unnecessary trips and we plan them carefully. A truck isn't the most efficient vehicle mileage-wise, but I make sure every trip is as efficient as possible.

This thread reminds me of the old Ole and Lena joke:

Ole lay dying, and he said, "Is my wife here?" Lena said, "Yes, I'm here." He asked "Are my children here?" and they said, "Yes, we're all here." He said, "Are my relatives all here?" They said, "Yes. We're all here." Ole said, "If you're all here, why is the light on in the kitchen?"