The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14044   Message #118603
Posted By: Matthew B.
28-Sep-99 - 04:51 PM
Thread Name: Greensleeves tune in New Year song
Subject: RE: Greensleeves tune in New Year song
I don't know of any, but let me write one now. Bear with me, this version won't be much good, because I only have 5 minutes. (So feel free to add verses)

New Year's, 1999 (to the tune of Greensleeves)
by Matthew B (and others?)

Before the advent of Y-2-K
As ev'ryone is out rev-el-ing
The clocks are ticking the minutes away
And the date fields are nearing their lev-el-ing

Crash, crash go the systems all
As the lights go out and the elevators fall
Phones are down so there's no one to call
And the banks have lost all your mon-ey

The planes can't land 'cause their guidance is down
And the lights are out all over the town
There's no water pressure the fires to drown
And you find yourself stuck on the subway

Well, you get the idea. Anybody want to add a verse?