The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69485   Message #1186150
Posted By: Two_bears
15-May-04 - 09:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: It is TORTURE not 'abuse'!!!
Subject: RE: BS: It is TORTURE not 'abuse'!!!
You obviously have not read, or fully understood, the fatwah(sp?) issued by Osama bin Laden in 1998. Read it, and come back to me with what you see as being the basis for a posible negotiated settlement - other than complete and utter surrender.

Thank goodness and light; another mudcater understands these inhuman terrorists!

From the point of view of Islam; infidels have three choices.

   Conversion ro Islam
   Become a third class citizen (if the infidels stay in their place).
   be killed.

Now most of the Muslim terrorists; they adhere to the Wahabi sect of Islam (which began in Saudi Arabia (if memory serves)). and Osama bin Laden adheres too. you have two choices. Conversion to what THEY believe, or be killed. They also believe it is proper to kill brother and sister muslims if they do not adhere to the most radical tradition in Islam.

These terrorists can not be bargained with, they can not be reasoned with, so in order to protect society from these nut cases is to arrest of kill them.

This is the time to stand against evil instead of surrender to evil as Spain did.

May I remind you that the Muslims that that beheaded poor Mr. Berg WERE Al Qaeda. This has been proven by voice print. How many more inocent human beings will have to be butchered as he was before people will wake up?

Mr. Berg screamed 9 times in 20+ seconds while these human beings that had no souls cut off his head! This was not a beheading. It was cruel and inhumane torture before a beheading took place.

Two Bears