The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69772   Message #1186392
Posted By: CarolC
15-May-04 - 04:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
beardedbruce, your "facts" are pretty much all over the map with regard to their accuracy. Some are accurate, and many are propaganda that has been proven false over the years, mostly as a result of the declassification of a lot of historical documents that had been held by the government of Israel up until a few years ago. The Palestinians are not our enemies. They just want the occupation to end. Re: what your neighbor said. Prior to the establishment of the state of Israel, a Palestinian was anyone who was from the place called Palestine. There were Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Palestinians, many of whose ancestors had been living there for more than a thousand years. Now there are mostly just Christian and Muslim Palestinians (many of whose ancestors have been living there for more than a thousand years).

GUEST, C-watch, Arafat did stop terrorism coming from his own organization, the PLO, for two years after the signing of the Oslo accords, and before the government of Israel instigated the second intifada when Israeli forces fired their guns upon demonstrators armed only with stones and shoes, killing several and wounding many.

Arafat is calling the occupiers of the Palestinian Occupied Territories enemies of God, but I don't see him anywhere calling Jews enemies of God. The fact that the occupiers are Jewish does not in any way indicate that Arafat would generalize his statement to include all Jews. That's pure speculation on your part.