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Thread #69778   Message #1186397
Posted By: GUEST
15-May-04 - 04:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
Subject: BS: Bush's Exit Strategy for Iraq Revealed!!
First it was Our Colonial Administrator Bremer who said it (on Friday, I think). Now the Washington Post announces Secretary of State Powell has said it too--the exit strategy of last resort!

From today's Post, Powell:

"...emphatically said yesterday that if the incoming Iraqi interim government ordered the departure of foreign troops after July 1, they would pack up without protest.

"We would leave," Powell said, noting that he was "not ducking the hypothetical, which I usually do," to avoid confusion on the extent of the new government's authority.

His statement, which was echoed by the foreign ministers of Britain, Italy and Japan, and by the U.S. administrator in Iraq, came one day after conflicting testimony on Capitol Hill by administration officials on the issue. Testifying before the House International Relations Committee on Thursday, Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman appeared to say that the interim government could order the departure of foreign troops, only to be contradicted by Lt. Gen. Walter Sharp, sitting at his side, who asserted that only an elected government could do so. Iraqi elections are scheduled for January."


And the entire Muslim world responded:

"Don't let the screen door..."