The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69668   Message #1186428
Posted By: Blackcatter
15-May-04 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: A question for Wiccans and Pagans
Subject: RE: BS: A question for Wiccans and Pagans
The U.S. has recognized Wicca and a number of other Pagan religions for quite a few years - The military will put Wicca on your dogtag if requested and required their base chaplains to work with Pagans, tohught most do so reluctantly, but Pagans don't need the chaplains to do much, anyhow, Paganism being pretty focused on the "do-it-yourself" plan of religion. Here, in Orlando, when we had the Naval Training Center (and thousands of "squids" coming through the doors every year, the local Wiccan/Pagan group (The Wiccan Religious Cooperative of Florida) worked with the the base chaplain to help those sailors who are Pagan to connect with the local Pagan community and the bookstores.

Know the old joke - what is a Pagan cathedral? A metaphysical bookstore.

Since a lot of employers are beginning to give employees flexible vacation/sick days, Pagans (and Jews, Muslims, etc.) are beginning to actually take their holidays off.


By the way - since I live in Florida which has weather/seasons in little relation to much of the northern hemisphere, I came up with names for the sabbats (solar holidays) and full moons. I drew on the concept that natural Florida is the only thing that my community has in common. There's no great pattern to the lists - Some things are tied to a particular time of year, but not all.


Winter Solstice          - Feast of Citrus
1st cross-1/4 (Imbolc)   - Feast of the Herons
Spring Equinox          - Feast of Flowers
2nd cross-1/4 (Bealtane) - Feast of Life
Summer Solstice          - Feast of the Sun
3rd cross-1/4 (Lammas)   - Feast of Rain
Autumnal Equinox         - Feast of the Mosquitoes
4th cros-1/4 (Samhain)   - Feast of the Ancestors

MOONS (they are actually the 1st full Moon thru the 13th, but the general corresponding months help me visualize the general time of year).

January   - Manatee Moon
February - Egret Moon
March    - Scrub Pine Moon
April    - Lizard Moon
May       - Bear Moon
June      - Cypress Moon
July      - Storm Moon
August    - Gator Moon
September - Camphor Moon
October   - Pumpkin Moon
November - Wild Turkey Moon
December - Orange Moon
13th      - Shaman Moon