The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69772   Message #1186511
Posted By: CarolC
15-May-04 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
I do know, however, that the Palestinians are causing, and celebrating the murder of innocent civilians.

And how do you know that they celebrate it? And whom do you mean when you say "they"? Certainly not all Palestinians have killed innocent civilians. In fact, the vast majority of them have not. Would you hold all Israelis (or all Jews) responsible for the murders committed by Jewish settlers? I doubt it. That would be anti-Semitic, wouldn't it? Or at least very bigoted.

The Israelis investigate the deaths of civilian bystanders, and have prosecuted memebers of their own military.

No they don't. Only a token number of them just so they can say that they do. Most don't get investigated, or if they are investigated by human rights organizations, the government of Israel sweeps the investigation under the carpet. Do you think it was the government of Israel who proved that the IDF uses Palestinian non-combatants as human shields? Think again. It was not. They try to deny that they do this, but the evidence proves that they do.