The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69772   Message #1186725
Posted By: beardedbruce
16-May-04 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
1. There are video clips of such celebrations, and pronouncements from the Palestinians. I do realize that not all are guilty- UNLIKE the Palestinians themselves, who target any Isaraeli, Jew, or supposed supporter . I have not heard of any IDF forces boarding cruise ships and dumping old men in wheelchairs into the ocean because they were Muslim.

2. I hold those who commit the crime to be responsible.- Why don't you??????

3. There may be cases where the investigation is not as detailed as I would like- HOWEVER, the Palestinians have not prosecuted any of their people for acts of murder and destruction. When the Palestinians attempt to do a fraction of what the Israelis have already done, you can use that argument.

"here is one- an article about Adam Shapiro who has lived in the Occupied territories at various times with his wife, who is Palestinian:"

OK, so if I give you one article about a Muslim who married a Jew and lived in Israel, you would concede that your post of 15 May 05:37PM is false???

"Israeli settlers have murdered many Palestnians in cold blood and the government of Israel has not prosecuted any of them for it."

This is a false statement- I agree that some have not been prosecuted, but I do not know the details of those cases. Not every murder accusation in the US results in a trial, either. There have been cases where the settlers have been brought to trial, and I beleive some prison term given out. WHERE are the equivilent Palestinian cases?????

"The IDF has committed many war crimes, including well documented cases of using Palestinians as human shields, and they've not been disciplined for it. "

Well Documented? Please provide your source, and further details. The cases I have heard of involve trials, punishment and such, by the IDF- WHERE are the equivilent Palestinian cases????

"You've been given a pack of lies all of your life so that you, too, would hate the Palestinians, and you believe those lies."

Yes, I have listened to what the Palestinians have stated, repeatedly. Are you saying that they are all lies?

"You are being used just as Naeim Giladi was used, by people who don't give a shit about you, but who are using hatred against Muslims and against Palestinians as a way of promoting an agenda that has nothing whatever to do with your best interests, Jewish best interests, US best interests, or even Israeli best interests."

Perhaps I AM being used, but by whom? And are you so certain that you are not being used? You seem to support the right of the Palestinians to murder innocent people, and deny the right of the Israelis to attack military targets in self defense.