The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69772   Message #1186753
Posted By: S O P
16-May-04 - 10:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
I haven't read the testimony of a single Iraqi Jew who claims that Zionists forced Iraqi Jews to relocate. It may be similar to the claim propunded right after 9/11 that Jews had to behind the World Trade Center Bombing. Just because the guy claims to be Jewish does not mean he she or his stuff is any more believable than the above mentioned Protocols, which are pretty obviously false to me because people never write about themselves the way Protocols is written. People write about other people writing about themselves in that fashion.

Getting back to the topic, Arafat is well known for saying one thing for international consumption, and something with very different intent for domestic consumption. He has spent a great deal of money that was meant for Palestinian economic development instead on weaponry, private luxuries, and private bank accounts. He is responsible for the rise of Hamas more than any other factor, because they can project terrorist agenda without being under his guidance and he has deniability, but also because Hamas unlike the Palestinian Authority governemtn is hardly corrupt.

As for Palestinian state, it is not demonstrably workable. Palestinians can find places to live without having an independent government.