The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69772   Message #1186823
Posted By: CarolC
16-May-04 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
Here is another Israeli Jew who has spent time living in the Palestinian Occupied Territories:

Neta Golan The website is Jewish Voice for Peace

"This report is written by Neta Golan, the Israeli peace activist and co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement, who has lived in Palestinian villages for the past year and a half. Neta has been one of those actively resisting the Occupation, by tearing down roadblocks, taking Hebron children who are subject to 24 curfew outside to play, and physically placing herself in front of Palestinians, to deter the Israeli army from shooting at them. By happenstance, she recently came across the soldier who had killed her Palestinian friend Muhammad Duad several months ago, and who was boasting of his achievements. Neta writes about their conversation.-AG]"

"I know the two children and the young father who where murdered in Hares in the last fifteen months by Israeli soldiers so I asked him when it happened, On what day? By his answered I realized the soldier in front of me was the murderer of my friend Muhammad Daud. -

" Let me tell you who you killed" I said. -

I don't care. -

"I know you don't but I want you to know who you killed. His name was Muhammad Daud he was fifteen years old he was retarded and I loved him very much..." I told him every thing I could think of about Mohammed and about his family. He didn't want to hear it. "I know where he was standing" I said "I saw his blood on the ground. There is know way he could have thrown a stone at you from so far away, let alone a boulder.""

And here is an example of Israelis and Palestinians working together in cooperation to promote peace, using peaceful means:

"Al-Khader is a small Palestinian village near Bethlehem, which has the bad fortune to be located near the Israeli settlement of Efrat. For years, Efrat settlers have coveted the land belonging to al-Khader, and, in recent months, settlers set down 3 mobile homes on a hilltop to "establish ownership". The Palestinian villagers decided to stage a nonviolent protest march today, and invited Israelis and internationals to join them..."

The rest is in the article in the link.

I'll respond to more in a little while.