The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69811   Message #1187404
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
17-May-04 - 03:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: What qualities in Thatcher do you admire
Subject: RE: BS: What qualities in Thatcher do you admire
A woman became the head of one of the most important countries in the world.   Maybe the most successful woman in the history of the planet.   And most of you can't find anything positive about that.   She must have had some qualties that caused people in Great Britain to voite for her. As I recall she was in office for quite a few years. Shame on all of you who couldn't find any qaulities.

I have to comment about all the Hitler comparisons.    To quote Ronald Regan "there you go again".   Whenever a liberal has to describe any person they disagree with, they compare them to Hitler.   The comparison has lost all validity- kind of like crying wolf.    The comparison adds nothing to the argument.   It just says the person making it has no intelligent argument to make and must resort to name calling.   It basically puts you on the level of a 5 year old- but that may be too generous.

Do any of you understand how degrading that is to a holocaust surviver to the family of a halocaust surviver.   Do any of you undrstand the devastation of the Jewish population in Europe- 3 million jews were killed alone in Poland not to mention the scientific experiments performed.    When you compre Bush, Chaney, Rumsfield, Regan, Limbaugh, Hannity, Thatcher, Guliani, Gingrich, Lott, Savage, Ridge, Ashcroft, and many others to Hitler, how can anyone take you seriously.   Note that conservatives rarely if ever call liberals Hitler.   Oh my God- its raining today.   Must be a right wing conspiracy those Nazi bastards.

And you wonder why you have lost the house, senate, goverships, and presidency.