The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69772   Message #1187477
Posted By: beardedbruce
17-May-04 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
"there are several condemnations from me about the killing of civilians by Palestinians in various threads in the Mudcat. The difference between my condemnations and many of the condemnations of Palestinians by others here in the Mudcat, yourself included, is the use of the term "the Palsetinians" as opposed to my phrasing, which is "some Palestinians". Just as when I speak of Jewish terrorists, I am speaking of "some Jews" rather than "the Jews". There is a big difference between these things."

I have tried to indicate where I meant the Palestinian Authority, as representing the government of the Palestinians. You often state the IDF", where I beleive you mean "some members of the IDF". I agree that neither of us have been rigorous in this.

A question to consider: are the Palestinian people better off now than before the Intifada started? I beleive that neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians have benefited from the conflict- but there are a number of other Arab nations that have. Please consider whether you are making the avaerage Palestinian better or worse off by your comments. I know you have stated that you condemn the terrorist killing- but with each breath you reiterate that they have such good reasons.

I respect your rights to your opinions, and you may choose whatever sources you like to believe. But when you state that you think that the Palestinians are entitled to the POT, when they (the government, the terrorists, and all their schools) have defined that as the ENTIRE MANDATE territory, you are endorsing their extermination of the state of Israel.

If the Israeli governement and people object to this, and react with violent measures, I don't think you can blame them.

A good quote for the Palestinian terrorist organizations to hear might be "If it hurts when you do this, DON'T do this"