The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1421   Message #1187557
Posted By: Pogo
17-May-04 - 10:18 PM
Thread Name: Ride On (from Christy Moore)
Subject: RE: Ride On/Christy Moore
The first time I had ever heard it played at all (and the only version I am familiar with) was by Steve Caroll and the Bograts and they played it in a Irish pub themed resturaunt. It was bodhran, mandolin(? I think?) and guitar and I was probably the only sober one listening |OD But man they went off on an incredible riff with the bodhran and it completely blew me away...the version I have on my CD is pale in comparison, definitely one of those life-pausing moments when the music gets in your blood. I've loved the song ever since.

The mention of the horse with green eyes always makes me think that's its a fairy mistress who's had her little fling with a mortal guy and then takes off to the fairy world again, a sort of Belle Dame Sans Merci (sp?) leaving him to pine away and die hence the claw along my gut line.