The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69772   Message #1187767
Posted By: CarolC
18-May-04 - 01:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
Larry K, I notice you are being pretty selective with regard to which kinds of human rights abuses you are willing to use as criteria for whom you choose to criticize. I have posted information about quite a few acts of terrorism, crimes against humanity, and war crimes that the government of Israel and those who were fighting for the creation of the State of Israel have committed over the decades, right in this thread. And I can provide plenty more of them if you want, including the use of chemical WMD against Palestinians.

So could you please explain how the Goldie Meir quote about loving your own children being more important than hating your enemy makes me a racist.   This may be a first.   A folkie condems me for choosing love and peace over hate and violence.   Congratulations on being a trend setter.

I'm having a very difficult time seeing how you could possibly be choosing love and peace over hate and violence if you support what the government of Israel is doing to the Palestinians. It's racist to suppose that it is hatred of Israel and not the desire for freedom and the fight for basic human rights that motivates the Palestinians. The people who live in the Occupied Territories (West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem) have no basic human rights. They do not have the status of human being to the government of Israel. This is why they are fighting.

If you only condemn the Palestinian resistance, but you ignore the flagrant violations of human rights by the government of Israel (and the terrorists who brought about its existance), then you must be doing it because you don't see Palestinians as human beings. That's a pretty good definition of racism in my book.

Our disagreement is who that is- I think it is the people blowing up innocent children and civilians. I cannot tell from your posts who you think it is- The Global Ashkenazi economy, I guess.

Very funny, beardedbruce. A line like that one suggests to me that you are not really interested in serious discussion. I think, as do some of the members and former members of the IDF from whom I provided quotes in one of my earlier posts, that if the government of Israel wanted peace, they could have it in an instant. But they don't want peace. What they want is more land. And they'll use any pretext they can find (or invent) to get it, including treating the Palestinians like animals. It serves their interest to keep the Palestinians fighting, because it helps to persuade people like you and Larry K that Palestinians are not human and so therefore don't deserve to be treated like humans.

It would be useful to keep in mind that the practice of killing civilians by Palestinians is a fairly recent phenomenon. The Palestinians suffered terribly under the thumb of the government of Israel for many decades before the first suicide bombing ever took place.