The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69772   Message #1187782
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
18-May-04 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
From: GUEST,Larry K - PM
Date: 18 May 04 - 11:14 AM

Carol C.-   When I read your comments about not blaming all the Palestinians for the acts of a the (small, tiny, miniscule, minute, decimal dust) few Palestinan terrorists I saw the light.   Therefore, as a Jew I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for all the Isreali suicide bombers.   Oh- I forgot.   There haven't been any.

But there have been lots of homocide bombers flying Helicoptors and fighters jets.

Ok- So I would like to apologize for all the Isreali airplane hijackers.   Oh- I forgot.   There haven't been any.

See above.. Why hijack them when you can aleady use aircraft as weapons and sleep in a warm bed afterwards?

OK- So I would like to apologize for all the Isreali beheadings and rape rooms.   Oh- I forgot.   There haven't been any.

apparantly you have forgotton the exploding cellphones and the bulldozing of homes. Who needs a "room" when you can rape a whole community in full public view.

OK- So I would like to apologize for the weapons of mass destruction used by Israel on its own people and and on it's enemies.   Oh- I forgot. Israel has never used a WMD.

Israel has never used a WMD....yet. Is there anyone on earth who doubts that they would?

I would point out that all of the above have been done by the other countries in the middle east, but you would accuse me of being a racist- so I can't. Oh- I forgot.   You already have.

You are accusing all of the other countries in the middle east. You are a racist.    

So could you please explain how the Goldie Meir quote about loving your own children being more important than hating your enemy makes me a racist.   This may be a first.   A folkie condems me for choosing love and peace over hate and violence.   Congratulations on being a trend setter.

You obviously rank hating your enemy, and his people and his country pretty high in your list of values. You are a racist. Congratulations, admitting it is your first step on the road to recovery