The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69772   Message #1187789
Posted By: mg
18-May-04 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
It is a complex situation. Starting with the fact that the Palestinians were royally truely screwed. And I until recently did not understand what I now think is their basic wish..not for a Palestinian state, but the gut-level desire for their own family property to be returned. One female Palestinian spokeswoman finally got through to me on this. I do not think most lands can be returned, but I think a token number should be, and there should be at least some historical villages, maybe turned into something like our Williamsburg, inadequate as that is, so they can go and remember and visit. At this point, tokens are maybe all that is possible, along, as I have said before, with massive immigration to relieve the population pressure, much closer supervision by U.N. of what is taught in the schools....many more people-to-people us going to orphanages etc..which I would love to do...massive training of the young people in medical skills and manufacturing of small items, like eyeglasses say, for third world...perhaps drug manufacturing...I don't know. Whenever you take farmers, villagers, and enclose them like they have been, there are going to be troubles. Look at the famine Irish in the tenements...

If you meet Palestinians, I guarantee you will love them. The ones I have met, granted not a random sample, are delightful, but very sad, people. They do remind me of the Irish..similar problems, basically very good-hearted, but can and have go the way of terrorism and violence....I am sitting in an office formerly run by a Palestinian refugee, in a town until recently run by his son....
