The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69668   Message #1188009
Posted By: lady penelope
18-May-04 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: A question for Wiccans and Pagans
Subject: RE: BS: A question for Wiccans and Pagans
From way back....Tony Blair's a catholic!!!! He gets his orders from elsewhere!!!!

Wow weee what a thread! It's just like the discussions we have on our pagan circle on my work's intranet.

I always say, the best way to start an argument is to lock two pagans in a room.

Back to the original point. I was dragged up a catholic and a candle was always a sign of meditation. You were to be quiet and think. I think it's an excellent way to tell stories. Book at bedtime with a dash of mystery.

I'm a Druish pagan (Parker has put foward that he's "Vaguely Pagan") and I have absolutely no problems with the teachings of Jesus Christ. It's all the churchy stuff what comes after that gives me the gip. But in my personal view, that's organised religion for you.

I shall be at the Beltaine Bash this year also - Cat, the fancy dress thing sounds great - and should I ever be granted leave to celebrate what I consider to be important days, I shall jolly well do so!!!   Huzzah!

TTFN Lady P.