The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67120   Message #1188118
Posted By: GUEST
18-May-04 - 08:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: worst president ever?
Subject: RE: BS: worst president ever?
Yes, George Bush Jr. is the worst president I have ever witnessed in office. Not only has he duped us into a war under false and misleading pretenses, he has managed to bankrupt America morally and economically while doing so. We have lost over 2,600,000 jobs in the United States under his watch. And he wants to cut overtime pay? Under little george's watch we have been warned by his pal Al that we need not expect to recieve much in Social Security when we retire? because three trillion should go for permanent tax cuts for the rich now. As far as little george's environmental record...which poison in the air and water do you want to consume today? When Clinton lied no one died. tar heel you're a bad dog! GO TO BED!
