The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67120   Message #1188210
Posted By: LadyJean
19-May-04 - 12:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: worst president ever?
Subject: RE: BS: worst president ever?
William Jefferson Clinot lied about his sex life, which proved that he was male.

George W. Bush decided that we should invade Iraq, and found a reason. (Please Dear God! He didn't let 9/11 happen so he could go after Saddam. Please! I do not want to see an American president hanging from a lamppost, which is what should happen if that's true.)
He lied about weapons of mass destruction and the necessity of this war.
I've been hearing about a friend's two year old son, joking about how when he turns 18, and gets a full scholarship to M.I.T. she'll look back on it all and laugh.
If things go on the way they've been going on, when he turns 18, he may be drafted to fight in Iraq.

Incidentally, I don't know about civilians in London, but I do know, because my father was there, that at the end of the war, German planes bombed columns of refugees in Poland. Dad may have lied about his sex life. (Most men do.) But he was, otherwise, an apallingly truthful man. He also spoke of a guard at a P.O.W. camp, who, after the bombing of Dresden, got up in one of the towers and turned a gun on the British and American P.O.W.s, until the other guards shot him. His family had been killed in the bombing.