The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14039   Message #118835
Posted By: Rick Fielding
29-Sep-99 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: Etiquette question
Subject: RE: Etiquette question
Damn! Damn! and Damn again!! Duckboots told me about this after I got home from a rehearsal, and instead of racing to the computer, I went to bed like a fool. Oh how I wish I'd gotten here earlier (like second in line). I would have wanted Christie to tell me HOW he cut her strings with a pair of pliers. Short of defusing bombs, that would have been one of the most dangerous things a human being could do. Ya got 3000 lbs. of pressure on those strings, and even clipping one (assuming you could get the cutting part of the pliers onto one string at a time) could result in very serious injury to the cutter. The recoil of each string would be like a bullet. To actually perform this heinous act would have meant loosening each string first, and since there was no mention of a "string winder" the whole process would have taken at least 4 or 5 minutes, thus dramatically reducing the shock value.
Had you (guess you've gone away, or back to another identity) said "he'd bashed your guitar over your head", I might have bought it and suggested you start working on your "F" chords...after a couple of Tylenols.
Duckboots thinks your Catspaw. (much beloved in this house) If you're an actual other person with a wicked evil twin, I'd welcome you with open arms. I've gotten suckered at times, but holy cow, I'd be worried if I couldn't laugh at myself after stepping into a pile of doo doo. Folks who fake heart attacks must live in some strange parallel universe.
