The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69772   Message #1188455
Posted By: GUEST,Larry K
19-May-04 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
Every terrorist, maniac, serial killer, pedofile, dictator, king, emperor, suicide bomber, and extremest believe what they are doing is correct.   They are enabled by liberals who justify their behavior.   The actions of terrorists are justified (at least understood) because of their suffering at the oprression of the West.    Greenpeace is justfied because we are ruining our environment.    Hitler was certainly justified because everyone knew for a fact that Jews were at fault.    People like Carol C. who support these positions are responsible for millions of people getting killed.

Not in the same way as Al Queda, or Sadaam Hussain.   Closer to Neville Chamberlain where appeasement led to the death of millions in World War II.    We are in World War III against islamic fundamentalists, but most people are too buy watching American Idol to notice.   In the war on terror they expect it to be completed in an hour sitcom or at least by the end of the season.

Terrorists have no rights. You cannot negotiate with a terrorist. All terrorists must be eliminated.   In the middle east there is no free speech or free thought.    People are taught in schools to hate the USA and support the terrorists.    It is no surprise that they do.   Did you read the quote in the paper today "It is the duty of all muslims to support Jihad"    Arafat funds terrorism.   Absolutely proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. The Palestinians were dancing in the street on 9/11.    They have shown no ability to live in peace. Isreal is the only democracy in the middle east and I think the third or 4th longest democracy in the history of the world.   I know that some of you will label this as racist propaganda. Of course, if I said it in any other middle east country I would be beheaded.   And than I would sound like Carol C. or Jack the Sailor.

Jack- that was sarcasm.   I am sorry you didn't get it.   Next time I will try to type much slower so even yooouuu caaaannn uuunnnddderrssstttaaand iiiitttttt.