The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69772   Message #1188696
Posted By: beardedbruce
19-May-04 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat: Terrorize your enemy.
"There would be no refugee problem if Israel had not chased those who became refugees from their villages (often at gunpoint... see the Nakba link in my 18 May 04 - 09:21 PM post)."

And there would be no refugee problem if those who became refuges were welcomed by the populations in the area, as the Jewish refugees fromt the Arab countries were welcomed in Israel.

"If the problem did not exist, there would be no problem" ( my quotes) does not offer a solution. History HAS occurred- one can either acknowledge that, or not. If one chooses to act as if there has been no past, one will have no future. Why are you not fighting for the rights of ALL people to live without terrorist threats?

"The refugees are Israel's responsibility and no one else's. Trying to foist responsiblity for the problem on the governments of other countries solves nothing."

I disagree. They are the world's responsibility. But the countries in the region that could help have a vested interest in keeping them miserable and fomenting terrorist acts, and the ( inevitable) Israeli response. Why do you think that the Palestinians were the ONLY group to support Saddam H. in 1991? They were effectively slave labor in Kuwait.