The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #69745   Message #1188924
Posted By: s6k
19-May-04 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
Subject: RE: harriWatts band, Best Original Band?
unlucky, but i reckon you needed more volume, we could hardly hear the singing! and a lot of ignorant buggers were talking and shouting and making it harder to hear. gits.

dont you all agree that jOhn looked very nice in his yellow shirt? shame he didnt bring brenda, or jim the bin with him though.

you were bloody good, i was sat right near the front so could probably hear you better than people further back.

i used my 3 votes, and also teds votes, but alas it was not to be.
BAH! it was rigged!